Total Frat Move

A Milwaukee County Supervisor Had to Apologize for Using WAP and It Wasn’t Because He Was Talking About Wet Ass Pussy

It doesn’t matter what the acronym is actually talking about if you see WAP there’s only one thing that you think about and it’s bringing out a bucket and a mop for Wet Ass Pussy. From the music video to the actual song has made the acronym a viral sensation. The music video alone has 275 million views on YouTube.

A Milwaukee County Supervisor saw how much a viral sensation that WAP is and decided to promote Weatherization Assistance Program which acronym just happens to be WAP. Weatherization Assistance Program reduces energy costs for low-income households by increasing the energy efficiency of their homes, while ensuring their health and safety.

He thought throwing out a simple meme with Cardi B, and Megan Thee Stallion with their tits, and ass popping out would be a funny way to get more attention on Weatherization Assistance Program. Well it got more attention, but not in the way he thought it would. Instead the people who can’t take a joke, and are the ones who believe that showing that much skin will send you straight to hell. Got their poor feelings hurt, enough where he had to take the post off the internet, and apologize for it. These people are the Ben Shapiro’s of the world who can’t even say the word pussy, or else guess where you’re going. The fiery, burning place that is called hell.

“What I was hoping to do was both to draw attention to a really good program phenomenally run by Black women here at the county while also trying to make reference to a song which, at its core, has to do with empowerment, reclaiming language and destigmatization,” Clancy told The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. “It didn’t land well.” Clancy removed the photo after being asked to do so by the WAP.

I mean people are now so sensitive that an acronym triggers them. I can’t wait for a song to come out using G.O.D. as an acronym, and no this won’t be a song about a lord and savior. It will stand for Get On Dick.