Total Frat Move

Chess Grandmaster has Butthole Examined before Match??

Personally, I haven’t even thought about chess since The Queen’s Gambit was popular around two years ago, but after seeing this insanity on my Twitter feed, I might have to start paying more attention to the chess world. Grandmaster Hans Niemann, who has been accused in the past of cheating during online and over-the-board matches, received an extensive security check prior to the U.S. Chess Championships, particularly around his ass. Why you may ask? Conspiracy theories throughout the internet have many convinced that Niemann has been using a vibrating butt plug to tip him off on moves throughout matches.

In the wake of Grandmaster Magnus Carlsen accusing him of cheating, Niemann has even offered to play completely naked to disprove these claims. While I have no knowledge of chess strategy whatsoever, I would pay to watch that (no homo). Even if Niemann was cheating through the butt plug method, how could you get mad at the guy? If sticking a vibrating sex toy up your butt to win a chess match isn’t dedication, I honestly don’t know what is. Although we probably won’t get the proposed nude chess battle for quite some time, at least the creators of The Queen’s Gambit now have some new ideas for season two.

*Information for this article was obtained from TMZ*