Total Frat Move

Dear Freshmen: Picking Classes

Dear Freshmen,

It’s about the time of year when you’re going to have to start picking classes. I’ve done this six times at this point, with number seven coming up on Wednesday. Listen up.

First of all, meet with your advisor as soon as you can. Most schools have an advising hold, which means you can’t select your classes without sitting down with them first. Most advisors are pretty fucking useless, but there are some good ones – so don’t write them off as morons until you’re sure that they are. 

Second, make sure you realize when it is that you are actually able to go to class. If you’re someone who wants to throw yourself off a bridge every time your alarm goes off before 10am, it’s probably not a great call to schedule a class for 9:30 in the morning. You’re inevitably going to end up wanting to skip every class you go to, so try and make sure your schedule is set up in a way that prevents you from doing that for as long as possible.

Third, make sure you know who the professor is before you take the class. Go on RateMyProfessors, talk to older kids in your major, do whatever, but make sure that you don’t go into a class knowing nothing about how easy/hard/nice/douchey your professor is. Some classes you will have to take with a shitty professor, but it’s better to know that before the semester starts.

Fourth, don’t schedule a night class on Thursdays. I did it last semester. It was hell.

Lastly, do everything in your power to make sure that you have no classes on Fridays. It makes every weekend a three-day weekend, and even though at least two of your scheduled days from Monday to Thursday are going suck major cock, it’s completely worth it to not have to drag yourself out of bed hungover on Friday mornings. If you do have to take a class on Friday, make sure it’s in the mid-afternoon and that you’re not taking more than one. If there’s one piece of advice that you actually listen to throughout this blog, it should be that. Reread the paragraph until it’s in your head.

