Total Frat Move

Dear Women: Porn

Dear Women,

Hold on to you chairs because this may shock you to hear, but I feel like I should start with the blanket statement that every single guy ever watches porn. I know that might be hard to hear because there are a lot of guys out there who claim they don’t, and I’m sorry to be the one to tell you that they’re lying, but they are. Now I know that you ladies, from time to time, pleasure yourselves… if you will. I really can’t speak to anything more than that I know it happens at least sometimes, but my curiosity this week is about porn. Do you guys watch it?

If you do watch it, I’m sure it’s not as frequently as us fellas watch it. I’m about one hundred percent certain of that fact. But how often is it? Once a day feels like a stretch, but somewhere between once a day and once a week – is that your sweet spot? I really don’t know. And when did you start watching it? It’s hard to imagine a girl and a guy starting to watch porn at the same time because I’m pretty confident that you guys don’t do the same internet exploring that we do during early teenage years, but it can’t have been that long after us… right?

And what do you guys watch out there? I’d be willing to bet that I could strike about porn conversation with almost any dude out there (it’s more universal than NFL football for Christ’s sakes), but I gotta be honest: as I sit here writing this blog, I have zero clue what kind of porn a woman would watch. None whatsoever.

All these questions do hinge on the fact that you guys do watch porn, which I’m pretty sure you do, but I really can’t say for sure. This one is a bigger mystery than usual.

