Total Frat Move

Schefter Is a Fraud

On Monday night, we all heard that Jon Gruden stepped down from his position as head coach of the Las Vegas Raiders after more emails were released that further proved he is a scumbag. He managed to offend almost every group, and now we’re seeing this investigation take down another one: Adam Schefter.

A little bit of back story: the Washington Football team has been under investigation after people found out that members of the staff had their cheerleaders take topless pictures and then sold them. Pretty messed up stuff. Now there has been an investigation going on that digging into the emails that were sent around surrounding this. That’s how all the Jon Gruden racist, misogynistic, homophobic – pretty much everything except for anti-Semitic – emails got leaked.

Because of this email investigation, we also found out today that Adam Schefter is a complete and total fraud. The man who many of us rely on to confirm rumors and stories about trades, firings, retirements, scandals, and pretty much anything sports related is a total fraud. It was discovered that in the midst of the story coming out about the cheerleaders’ pictures being exploited, Schefter sent a draft of a story he was writing to Bruce Allen, a freaking MEMBER of the Washington front office. In the email he apparently called him “Mr. Editor” and gave him permission to change, take out, or add anything in the article before Schefter published it.

I wouldn’t necessarily consider myself a journalist, but Jesus Christ, even I know that’s completely unethical. Gruden already got taken down in this whole email investigation, and it certainly seems like Adam Schefter is up next. He has yet to comment on the matter (he tweeted something else out that people are now blowing up with insults), but ESPN did release a statement in which they said:

“Without sharing all the specifics of the reporter’s process for a story from 10 years ago during the NFL lockout, we believe that nothing is more important to Adam and ESPN than providing fans the most accurate, fair and complete story.”