Total Frat Move

The Internet Thinks the Loch Ness Monster is Real Again

WARNING: There are pictures in this blog, and they portray people as really, really stupid. 

People think the Loch Ness Monster is real again. A woman was having lunch with her husband in 2018 near the Loch Ness, when a she took a picture of a serpent like creature in the water. She said the creature surfaced near the water, and the visible parts were less than two meters in length. She also claimed to see the creature moving at a steady rate in the water. To summarize, a woman saw a scaly figure swimming in a lake. 

I won’t even pretend to give this a second thought. This woman probably saw a weird alligator. She then photographed it, and sat on the picture for five years. Now that a search for the Loch Ness monster is happening again, so the timing was perfect for this woman to get some attention from her vague photos. 

The Loch Ness Monster was originally reported to be seen in 1933. That fact makes people who believe in the Loch Ness stupid for one of two reasons. This means that if they believe there is a legendary monster in the lake, they also believe it is in its 90s. I’m not sure how long lake monsters live, but that seems like an advanced lifespan to presume for one creature. If Nessie isn’t actually that old, it means that a monster family tree is living in this lake in Scotland. 

If you know someone who believes these pictures are proof of some kind, please have them mentally examined. If that is a person you care about, you can’t let them walk around portraying themselves like that.