Total Frat Move

The Kid Who Can’t “Get Caught”

(This blog is inspired by a TikTok a quite literally just posted to the TSM account.)

I feel like it’s safe to say that when we were growing up, there was always that one kid you hung around with that “couldn’t get caught” because he/she had “too much to lose.”

This ego-centric party animal has always found himself / herself in life altering situations that they felt they didn’t deserve the consequences of.

It all started in middle school.

You and your friends would get together to hangout and as soon as dusk hit, it was time to “ding dong ditch.” A game that evoked a special type of high that we’ve been chasing ever since. Everyone knew the risks. It’s what made this childhood activity so exhilarating.

Like many middle schoolers, you went door after door until you found yourself running from the police.

This is when “Can’t Get Caught Kid” has their sudden epiphany that trouble was just around the corner.

They begin to beg and plead to the rest of the group to cover for them so that they don’t get caught by the police. Because if they get caught by the police, the police will then tell the school, then the school will tell their coach, and they won’t be able to play in the “big game.”

The group agrees to keep the star athlete safe. Which is the beginning of a life long pattern.

Fast foward to highschool. The same group of friends go out to a party, and like most parties organized by 16-17 year olds, it gets busted. This is when “Can’t Get Caught Kid” begins to plea his case once again, and for whatever reason it’s always about a scholarship for a college they’ll inevitably drop out of. Getting saved once again.

But, homeboy never seems to learn his lesson. Throughout high school and college he now feels as if he is above the law, which pushes his closer and closer to finally getting caught. While also developing cheating characteristics.

The downfall of “Can’t Get Caught Kid” is usually a DUI that he just can’t hide his way out of.

Moral of the story, don’t be “Can’t get Caught Kid.”