Total Frat Move

Top Five Frat Guy Movie Characters

There have been countless attempts at portraying the booze fueled lifestyle of living in a fraternity. Most of them fall into the same boring tropes, without doing anything unique. Every once in a while, a unique, original character is created to properly represent fraternities. Here are the five best. 

Honorable Mentions: Miller (Miles Teller, 21 and Over), Thad Castle (Alan Ritchson, Blue Mountain State: The Rise of Thadland)

Both of these guys needed to be on the list. 21 and Over is kind of forgettable, but Miles Teller is hilarious in it. It’s also more fratty role than him playing himself in Project X. Thad Castle needed to be on the list. The BMS movie sucked, but he was technically in a movie. I couldn’t make this list without mentioning him. 

5. Sherman Schrader (Jonah Hill, Accepted)

Every frat needs a pledge, and Jonah Hill’s character from Accepted is the best pledge character of all time. If you haven’t seen the movie, you’ve likely seen a clip of him being hazed in a hot dog costume. He puts up with so much. He’s happily bullied by older member of the fraternity. It was also during Jonah Hill’s heavy phase, which adds some level of diversity in a group that is largely pasty. 

4. Teddy Sanders (Zac Efron, Neighbors)

This movie is underrated. This was in a can’t miss run from Seth Rogen, and Efron more than holds his own in this movie. He has countless funny scenes, especially the Robert DeNiro party. His portrayal of fraternity life might be a little flawed, but it sure looks like a ton of fun. 

3. Rooster (Jimmy Tatro, 22 Jump Street)

If we were ranking frat guy actors, Jimmy Tatro would be number one. He cornered this market with his YouTube channel, and then gave an iconic frat guy performance in 22 Jump Street. Between him laying guys out on the field, and then chugging liquor in his frat house, there is more than enough tape to declare him one of the best frat movie characters of all time. 

2. Frank the Tank (Will Ferrell, Old School)

This guy got divorced to start a fraternity as an adult. He is also played by Will Ferrell. Need I say more?

1. Bluto (John Belushi, Animal House)

Eternally the GOAT. Animal House is the Citizen Kane of frat movies, and John Belushi as Bluto is the best part of it. He embodies the messiness of living in a fraternity more than anyone else ever has. The clip of him chugging a bottle of Jack Daniels is legendary. As is the scene of him eating the entire cafeteria. So are the rest of the scenes he is in. He’s the most original character on the list, played by one of the funniest guys of all time.