Total Frat Move

What is an “Academic Weapon”?

Throughout the past week or so, I haven’t been able to go to a single class without hearing “academic weapon” multiple times. Before I even knew the true meaning behind the term, I genuinely thought it was one of the coolest things I had ever heard. I mean, who wouldn’t want to be referred to as a weapon? But, after I learned about “kicking the sheets”, being an academic weapon isn’t just a trend, it’s a lifestyle.

Brad Kraut, who has spearheaded the “academic weapon” movement, is an absolute legend. I honestly think that this term wouldn’t have gone as viral as it has without this man. The guy is absolutely yoked and his energy makes me want to kick the sheets for early morning classes that I don’t even have. Somehow, Brad has made it popular to sit in the front row of giant lecture halls, and I’ve seen people show up fifteen minutes early to their classes to do just that. Honestly, this is how it should be. Sure, 8:00 am classes and Friday lectures aren’t always the most appealing ways to spend our time, but going to them will pay off in the future. Thanks for changing the culture, Brad. Let’s all kick the sheets this week.