
Is There A Community Movie Coming Soon?

It seems Abed’s dream of six seasons and a movie may actually come true.

Rumors of a potential Community movie are now spreading after Allison Brie, who played Annie on the former NBC hit, recently went on the WrapWomen’s UnWrapped podcast revealing that there are on-going talks about a movie deal. “You know what, I’ll say it. There’s been movement,” she said on the podcast episode that has not yet aired. “There’s been some talks. People are talking and certain things—wheels are turning. I said it!”

Though talks are in progress that does not mean that the movie is a sure thing, just a possibility. “I’m saying there are legitimate conversations that are happening. Whether or not they will ever turn into an actual movie—I would love it if they did, and I hope that they do. But the fact alone that actual real conversations are happening is I think the most progress we’ve ever made on that front,” Brie said.

This isn’t the first time a potential transition to the big screen has been mentioned by the cast. Back in June, Joel McHale spoke about his optimism of a movie happening. In an interview with ComicBook he said, “I’m setting aside all the money to make it happen. Before, when I’d answer the question [of if it’s possible], I’d be like, ‘Maybe, I have no idea.’ But now, with its success on the streamers during the pandemic, the interest has returned. I would say it’s more likely than it was before.”

Show creator Dan Harmon even brought the idea up last summer, contemplating how a Community movie would even look. He commented on the idea asking “​​Here’s the biggest philosophical question: Are you supposed to service a mythical new viewer?” Harmon’s question focuses on whether the new movie would be intended for only fans of the show or anyone in the general public. After toying with the idea, Harmon suggested he wants fans to be able to “stand back and go, ‘You know, the crazy thing about this movie is that if you didn’t know there was a show, this is an insanely good movie.’”

While there is no deal for a movie actually being signed or even drafted up at this point, there is clearly momentum. One question I have for the potential film is who exactly would be in it? Throughout the six season run of the sitcom, many characters were revolving in and out the show. For example, would Chevy Chase make an appearance? The same goes for Helen from Drake and Josh who made an early exit from the show as well as John Oliver who was sporadically placed throughout the early seasons. There are many questions to be sorted out if this actually comes to fruition, but I trust Harmon to make all the right whacky decisions as he has always done. One thing is for sure, if this movie happens there better be a new Troy and Abed rap.