Total Sorority Move

A Guide to Date Parties: 7 Rules Every Frat Guy Should Know

The other day, I overheard a guy who had just recently joined a frat wondering the proper “etiquette” for his upcoming date party. He was unsure who to ask, what to wear, what to drink, etc. 

I knew I had to do something. Even though absolutely nobody asked for this, or my advice, I’m sure there are plenty of other newer pledges who are just as lost. I decided to create a quick list of rules. Think of this as your date party bible. Feel free to make flashcards.

Rule #1: Don’t Ask the Day Of

A lot of guys decide who their date is going to be in their heads, then procrastinate the actual asking part. If you’re talking to a girl, it’s usually assumed you’re going together — unless you want to be hated by an entire friend group – but you still have to ask.

Give her a week in advance to plan. Asking the night before  gives off a “second option” vibe, and also, she needs to get a dress! She needs enough time to plan her outfit, her pregame, and to hunt down any girls she knows that are going to be there too, so they can coordinate their outfits.

Rule #2: Set Your Friend Up With Her Friend

If you don’t know your date very well, make it a double date. 

One of your friends definitely needs a date anyway, so ask her if she has any sisters who would want to come. Remember, date parties are fun, and girls want to go. It won’t be too hard to find two people you can force to go together, even if it is just to make your own night better. 

If it goes badly and they hate each other, who cares. Someone needed to take one for the team.

Rule #3: Buy the Tito’s

It’s your job to buy the alcohol for your pregame, so text her and ask what kind of handle she wants. 

This is more of a courtesy text, because you probably already know she’s going to say she wants Tito’s. 

This should go without saying, but no matter how much you secretly hate her, no, you cannot Venmo request her for half. Jail.

Rule #4: Pick Her Up

Don’t make her meet you at the pregame. Even if she’s getting ready with all her friends, and they could definitely walk together, that’s on par with a Level 2 Misdemeanor. I would’ve called the cops. 

Rule #5: Don’t Black at the Pregame

This one’s the hardest. When two people are splitting an entire handle to themselves, blacking out is almost inevitable. 

Just make sure you’re not the liability that she has to take care of all night. Especially before the tab even starts. That’s her job!

Rule #6: Make Sure She Doesn’t Like, Die

Okay, so you made it to the bar, you’re vibing, everything’s great. 

A lot of date parties I’ve been to have been with my guy friends, and because we weren’t romantically or physically involved, they’d forget they weren’t there alone. So basically, I’d be left to fend for myself. I still cannot believe I survived an entire four years. 

Maybe you and your date are platonic friends, or you were an arranged marriage and you literally despise her. Even then, the least you can do is make sure she isn’t blacked out on the side of the road or getting recruited into some sex trafficking ring. 

Rule #7: If She Doesn’t Go Home With You, You Don’t Have to Blur Her Face Out of the Photo

You’d think this was self explanatory, but this happened to me once. I don’t know, I guess it needed to be included. 

Anyways, if all else fails — be yourself, be fun, buy the Tito’s!